mercury drops coalescing

This page contains links to links to quizzes, worked problems, and sites that have information relevant to this unit.

Area of Study 1 - Introduction to Materials

Atomic Theory Quiz
This is a quiz constructed to fit our course. There are 30 questions in all here, but the categories of "Development of Atomic Theory" and "Famous Scientists" were drawn from Unit 4, so you can omit these or give them a try! This quiz is a challenge board design which means you can play by yourself or challenge another player. Pick questions of different point value from a board

Ionic Formulae
If you need to brush up your memory work when it comes to writing the formulae for ions. Flash cards and matching games. Please excuse the lack of subscripts!
It is extremely important that you know the charges on these ions - it is impossible to write equations correctly without knowing them! (There's a mistake with the hydrogen phosphate ion but I can't edit it at the moment!)

Nelson Chemistry Study Guide - Unit 1
A very helpful site from the makers of one of the textbooks.

This program helps you with balancing equations. You might find it useful. I'm still looking for a better program that we are able to use here. Let's know if you find one!

Bonding Quiz
Looks at intra- and intermolecular bonding types. Match the cards style.

Carbon Chemistry Quiz
Another homegrown quiz. This is a fairly short quiz with a range of different types of questions. Suitable for Unit 1 or Year 10 Carbon Chemistry students.

And another Carbon Chemistry Quiz
- you can choose either plain multiple choice or "thrillionaire" style.

Organic Nomenclature Quiz
Naming organic molecules - easy level.

Organic Chemistry Quiz
Another naming quiz.

Chemical Bonds Quiz
For getting started with bonding.

Electronic Configuration Quiz
uses spdf orbitals.

Families on the Periodic Table Quiz
As the name suggests.

Polyatomic Ions Quiz For some practice at naming and writing the formulae of these.

Molecular Compounds Quiz
- names/formulae to be memorised.

Structural isomers
Try building a few isomers with this tutorial.

The Macrogalleria
This is a very comprehensive site on polymers. Level 1 shows polymers in everyday items. Level 2 shows the structure of polymers with some 3d models you can flip about. Polythene, polypropene and polystyrene are among the many here. Level 3 shows crosslinking, thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers.

Polymer Discovery Trail (Australian)

Organic Molecules Tutorial
for some already made models of organic compounds- alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, various functional groups. Uses a 3d viewer.

Also at the same site you can find diagrams of bond types - ionic, covalent,polar and non-polar types. As well, there is intermolecular Bonding. What we call dispersion forces are called London forces here. (Sometimes also known as Van der Waal's forces).

Area of Study 2 - Water

Water structure
Shows 3d models of the structure of liquid water and ice.

Area of Study 3 - Chemistry of Surfaces

Notice the mercury drops at the top of the page. They are coalescing to reduce their surface area and therefore lowering their surface energy. (And you thought they were just being friendly!)

Surface Chemistry Quiz
Go here to do a quiz session on this topic. You will need to type surface chem in the session name box and then your name into the other box. I think a couple of pictures aren't loading properly though!
Covers this area of study. Multiple choice and true-false questions. Or try the...

Reducing Surface Tension list Use the clues to organise 5 substances from highest surface tension to lowest. Very short.